ISO TR 21386 was developed by ISO TC 229, Working Group 3, Health, safety and environment. WG 3 is U.S. led, operating under the leadership of Dr. Vladimir Murashov of NIOSH. Dr. Richard Pleus of Intertox is the WG 3 Chair for the ANSI-accredited U.S. TAG to ISO TC 229, with leadership for this project provided by Dr. Raymond David, a member from the American Chemistry Council’s Nanotechnology Panel.
“This document provides insight into collecting, preparing, and analyzing engineered NOAA found in the environment. It helps the investigator understand what influences background levels of naturally occurring nanomaterials, and provides examples of how samples are collected from environmental media,” said David.
ANSI noted that, among the essential topics pertaining to environmental safety, the report provides useful information on how investigators should respond to several questions or issues that commonly arise:
ANSI administers the U.S. TAG for ISO TC 229, which was established in June 2005 to progress standardization in nanotechnology.