Our Services – Audit and Inspection

Understanding and responding to your needs, from sanitation, food safety risk assessment and global crisis management, is the key to our approach to Sanitation, Food Safety & Quality Consulting. From our decades of industry and regulatory expertise, AIB consultants help you safeguard your facility, product, fortify security protocols and protect your brand. We perform second-party audits to verify your plants compliance with current regulations and industry practices through program reviews and on-site observations.

Evaluations are conducted by specially trained, experienced auditors with extensive knowledge of the food industry and specific training in each sector.

They are reviewed and approved by recognized experts from industry and academia.

Nutrition Facts Report Consists of nutritional values and percent daily values per serving, all of which have been rounded in compliance with government regulations.

100 Gram Report The basic nutritional analysis of the product

Ingredient Legend The listing of each ingredient in descending order of predominance. Also called Ingredient Statement or Ingredient List.

Food Label Compliance Review Ensures that the mandatory food labeling requirements of the Philippines have been properly interpreted and applied in the design of the food package.

Differentiating their brand while ensuring their products meet increasingly rigid industry and regulatory safety standards. We provide our customers with total solution services. From product development to delivery, our highly trained professionals can help you protect your brand and get your product to market with confidence.

Ensure at the proper protocols are followed for food safety, sanitation, display advertising, health and safety, environmental management, as well as other critical operational metrics, certification and local regulation. Adherence to these items is measured via scheduled audits or special visit.

Consulting service whereby we do a 300+ point inspection in operation. We analyze hundreds of checkpoints covering all the major facets of operations, staffing, design (the design, engineering, profitability, layouts, yields, turnover, etc), marketing, facilities, profitability, sales performance we go through everything.

Supplier Audit Services – Conduct second party audits for suppliers to ensure the organizations requirements or those of national or international requirements are being followed.

Supply Chain Audit Services – The importance of properly managing store operations and supply chains is growing rapidly. Therefore retailers need to know that products and services are provided at the right price, meet appropriate standards and fulfill expectations for quality. In addition, there are considerable and increasing challenges in the retail marketplace. Customers are increasing demands and raising expectations. Regulatory bodies are closely scrutinizing the industry. In addition, many retailers are concerned with their brand integrity and ensuring proper risk management.

Manufacturing and Distribution Center Audits – Perform second party audits of the organizations locations for requirements that are unique to the organization, as well as national or international programs.

Excellent Supply Chain Management protects your Brand and encourages consumer satisfaction.

Food Safety Audit 2nd party against your own standard – Evaluating your suppliers or facilities against your own quality, safety, or security requirements will bring your entire supply chain to a higher level of reliability. The food safety audit is conducted by a professionally trained staff of food safety auditors. Food processing facilities which participate in the in-plant audit program receive a complete examination and technical assistance in all areas that affect product integrity, regulatory, exposure and pesticide use. Personnel training is vital to the success of any program. Food Safety Programs may need to be implemented to meet regulatory requirements; retailer requirements or your own customize requirements.

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is a risk management system that identifies, evaluates, and controls hazards related to food safety throughout the food supply chain. While all seven HACCP principles are included in the ISO 22000 standard, it may still be implemented as a separate risk management system.

A HACCP program can be implemented for control of physical, biological, and chemical risks throughout your operations. The plan helps assure regulating authorities and customers that you are taking every reasonable precaution to assure food safety. It also helps you reduce contamination-related food losses and improve the design of new food products.

GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)is an audit that provides you with the foundation, framework and building blocks for a complete food safety management system. GMP certification covers everything from basic hygiene and food handling procedures to waste management, sanitary facilities and pest control. At AIB, we can conduct the main GMP audit, provide training and consultancy, pre-audit and follow-up audit services. This is essential for various food establishments from hotels, resorts, restaurants, fast food operations, supermarkets, catering establishments, retail outlets, convenience stores, canteens, and more.

Codex Alimentarius is about safe, good food for everyone everywhere.
International food trade has existed for thousands of years but until not too long ago food was mainly produced, sold and consumed locally. Over the last century the amount of food traded internationally has grown exponentially, and a quantity and variety of food never before possible travels the globe today.

The Codex Alimentarius international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice contribute to the safety, quality and fairness of this international food trade. Consumers can trust the safety and quality of the food products they buy and importers can trust that the food they ordered will be in accordance with their specifications.