Internationally, compliance professionals argue about the merits of the ISO 37001 standard for anti-bribery systems endlessly. Let’s have a look why that is. ISO 37001 is […]
One of the most effective ways of preventing fires in buildings is to reduce the level of oxygen in the air. The world’s first International Standard […]
Experts are currently meeting to discuss a new ISO standard that will help quantify the climate impacts of substances that up until now have not been […]
Quickly sending large sums of money abroad in 1803 might have meant loading gold bars onto ships and hoping for good weather and safe seas. In today’s […]
Locally sourced, sustainably produced, or made with love – claims on labels that speak to our ethical side have grown astronomically in recent years. How do we […]
The identification of medicinal products (IDMP) is often a regulatory requirement and is increasingly necessary as the world moves towards integrated healthcare underpinned by global supply […]
The water system is one of the most basic utilities for every pharmaceutical production plant and its products—purified water (PW) or water for injection (WFI)—have an […]
An IT service management system (ITSMS) is a strategic tool to help organizations improve efficiencies, optimize the use of technologies, save money and provide many other […]