
December 11, 2018

ISO at COP24: International Standards as essential tools for climate action

International Standards help to mainstream climate change actions in transitioning to a low-carbon, climate-resilient future, according to leading sustainability experts who will speak at an ISO […]
December 6, 2018

New standard for excise duty stamps helps keep illegal products off the market

They are a seal of approval that producers of consumer goods have paid their dues – and that the products are the real McCoy. Excise stamps not […]
December 5, 2018

ISO forms partnership with World Bank Group to help countries facilitate trade

ISO has partnered with the World Bank Group (WBG) to support ISO member national standards bodies in developing countries, based on their needs, with the implementation of […]
December 3, 2018

Making our world accessible with ISO standards

From signage in the street to the construction of buildings, ISO standards help manufacturers, service providers, designers and policy makers create products and services that meet the […]
November 27, 2018

Drone Operations Standards Published By ISO; To Be Adopted Globally By 2019

The International Standards Organisation (ISO) has published an operations standard draft for drone pilots and manufacturers. The draft is open for the public to discuss and […]
November 20, 2018

Guidance on integrated management system standards just updated

The number of management systems has risen dramatically in recent years, reflecting the needs and demands of more and more organizations looking to improve their performance […]
November 16, 2018

Improving customer satisfaction with updated ISO series of standards

We all know that retaining loyal, happy customers is the key to any successful business, but the fickle consumer world is not always easy to please. […]
November 12, 2018

Measuring up to the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the latest ISOfocus

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has been getting a lot of press. What does it really mean, and how will it affect us? The Fourth Industrial Revolution […]
November 8, 2018

ISO standards help develop new toilet technology that will save millions of lives

New ISO International Standard for revolutionary sanitation systems launched at the Reinvented Toilet Expo, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, held in Beijing today. […]